Thursday, September 22, 2011

Difficulties Around Cooking Externally, But Beneath Food Preparation Inside?

Possible Reason:
The oven may not be properly preheating. In most cases, when the oven is set for a 350 F or 180 C bake cycle, the control counts down for about 6 minutes and beeps. At this time the oven cavity is conditioned but the temperature is not stabilized.

The first step is to always adjust the rack height before preheating the oven. Place the rack so that food is near the centre of the oven. The oven bakes evenly when food is centred in the oven. Also, pans must not block airflow. Food placed too close to the top or bottom of the oven will bake and brown unevenly. See rack placement for more details.

Now preheat the oven but wait an additional 10 to 15 minutes after the beep before placing the food into the oven. This is especially important with baked goods such as cakes, cookies, breads, and pies.

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