Sunday, September 9, 2012

Whirlpool Corporation Encourages Consumers to Participate in Filter Fresh Month

Water makes up almost 60 percent of the human body, making it an essential nutrient. With this summer promising to be swelteringly hot, it's important to stay as hydrated as possible.  

This July marks the eighth semi-annual Filter Fresh month and in celebration, Whirlpool Corporation is urging consumers to fuel all summer activities with an ice cold glass of filtered water. Whirlpool Corporation is announcing a number of activities to support the initiative which began in 2009 as a way to remind people to change their refrigerator's water filter every six months.

Drink Up to Slim Down
On hot summer days or during a physical workout, sweating is the body's natural way to cool down. When you sweat, you need to replace the fluids lost — or your body could overheat. It is important to remember to drink plenty of water before, during and after physical activity to avoid dehydration and fatigue.

"To remain energized and feeling good throughout the day, staying hydrated is critical — and drinking fresh, clean tasting filtered water can play a vital role," said Monica Teague, Senior Manager PR and Brand Experience. "If you're committing to an active lifestyle in the hot summer months, drink filtered water to help stay hydrated."

Get In on the Conversation
Whirlpool is partnering with Miss Lori of Miss Lori's CAMPUS™ for a Twitter Party on July 11th from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. EST. Throughout the evening Miss Lori will share tips on healthy living and the importance of drinking plenty of filtered water. Attendees will have the chance to win a new Whirlpool® refrigerator with a PUR® filtration system along with other prizes.  To join the conversation, simply follow the hash tag #FilterFresh.

Make changing your filter easy
Properly maintaining your water filter is critical, as tap water may travel through miles of infrastructure before making its way into your home and your body, potentially picking-up contaminants along the way.

Whirlpool refrigerator water filters are a great way to ensure you drink enough water — but you have to make sure the filter stays fresh. Remembering to change your filter every six months is not only smart, but convenient, as many refrigerators have an easy access system located at the bottom of the grille or just inside the door.

To help consumers replace old filters, this month, The Home Depot is offering Buy One Water Filter, Get One Free discount (Model 4396841). You can also visit to save 25% off a 2-pack or more replacement filters using the promo code MULTI25. 


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